Humboldt County Regional Trails Master Plan
The main purpose of the 2010 Humboldt County Regional Trails Master Plan is to promote the development of a regional active transportation system. The Humboldt County Association of Governments (HCAOG) funded this plan in response to a growing and intensified interest on the part of Humboldt County residents for enhanced development of a non-motorized, hereafter referred to as ‘active’, transportation facility network. The Regional Trails Master Plan is designed to promote active transportation facility connections within and between communities. While the focus is primarily off-street trail development, on-street bikeways are included in order to develop a comprehensive and seamless active transportation system.
Humboldt County Regional Transportation Plan
This 2008 RTP has been updated in compliance with guidelines established by the California Transportation Commission. Intended as a resource, and as a guide, for integrated and comprehensive regional transportation planning, the plan includes an introductory section and Appendices. It is focused on achieving a coordinated and balanced multi-modal transportation system, in both the short and long terms, while maintaining the existing transportation system in a condition that promotes safety and facilitates recreational and tourist travel.
Humboldt County Corridor Preservation Report
The HCAOG’s 2009-2010 Overall Work Program identifies the 2009 Transportation Corridor and/or Facility Preservation Concepts Report as a “source document for the Regional Transportation Plan and as guidance for regional policy makers when defining and/or selecting transportation corridors for preservation, future use, or improvements.”
Corridor preservation is a strategy aimed at minimizing future expenditures related to transportation by either purchasing right-of-way outright or preventing or slowing development in areas (corridors) that are potentially needed for future improvements. Some of the objectives of corridor preservation include: the prevention of inconsistent development; minimizing or avoiding environmental, social, and economic impacts from future transportation projects; reducing displacement; preventing the foreclosure of desirable location options; allowing for the orderly assessment of impacts; permitting orderly project development; reducing costs; and others.
Coming Soon.
Coming Soon.